Aku paling suka time Mr.Barbosa bagi talk. Kata-kata dia penuh perangsang untuk kita maju ke depan. Agaknya kalau tak run business mesti beliau jadi pakar motivasi.hee.. Banyak juga input2 yang masuk lam kepala ni.. Mane yang sempat aku copy aku kongsi pula dengan korang eh..
Ni sikap yang perlu ada kalau nak bjaya spcally dlm bisnes:
-Eternally optimistic
-Stubborn but not to the point of being unrealistic
-Humbly confident
-Open to the new idea. Learn to adopt-adopt to learn.
-Not greedy
-Total belief in the concept of life-long learning
-Be 110% computer literate with a better-than-good command of the eng.language
-Be a listener 1st..a communicator 2nd
-Stubborn but not to the point of being unrealistic
-Humbly confident
-Open to the new idea. Learn to adopt-adopt to learn.
-Not greedy
-Total belief in the concept of life-long learning
-Be 110% computer literate with a better-than-good command of the eng.language
-Be a listener 1st..a communicator 2nd
Adeh..banyak lagi la nasihat2 dia untuk kami2 ni.
-Desperation is the mother of all invention
-Tak semestinya kita perlu tahu 100% bout software skill. Da most important we know where to -start.
-Lagi dia sebut..'never stop learning' n keep practise wat u learn.
-N his last words 'Never ever say that u are the best'
-Tak semestinya kita perlu tahu 100% bout software skill. Da most important we know where to -start.
-Lagi dia sebut..'never stop learning' n keep practise wat u learn.
-N his last words 'Never ever say that u are the best'